Pan Pizza

                   1 1/3 cups warm water, 105 degrees
                   1/4 cup non fat dry milk
                   1/2 teaspoon salt
                   4 cups flour
                   1 tablespoon sugar
                   1 package dry yeast
                   2 tablespoons vegetable oil
                   9 ounces vegetable oil, 3 ounces per pan

                   In a large bowl add yeast, sugar, salt and dry milk.
                   Add warm water and mix well.  Allow to sit for 2
                   minutes.  Add oil and stir again.  Add flour and stir
                   until dough forms and flour is absorbed.  Fold out
                   on a flat service and knead for 10 minutes. 

                  Divide dough into 3 balls. In 3-9 inch  pans, put 3 ounces
                  of oil making sure it is spread out evenly.  Roll each
                  dough ball into a 9 inch circle; place in oiled pan.

                  Spray outside of dough with non stick spray.
                  Cover with plate; place in warm spot and allow to rise
                  for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

                  Preheat oven to 475 degrees.  On each pan of dough
                  place pizza sauce, toppings and cheese.

                  Bake for 12 to 16 minutes; until outer crust is brown
                  and cheese is melted.

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